17 November 2008

Thoughts of a Gun-Toting Liberal

     In light of our recent elections and the President-elect's views on gun control, I thought I'd tackle something that has been weighing on my mind for a while, something that has me thoroughly confused: why do so many liberals hate guns? Or rather, why are liberal gun owners so dismally represented in today's politics?

     I know it sounds laughable that a vegetarian hippie socialist like myself would want to own guns. But I'm part of a growing minority of people that does not identify with the fundamentalist image of most gun owners. I have my reasons for owning guns--none of which involve killing animals or harming people--and I believe in upholding personal rights and promoting equality. I don't really see these various beliefs as incongruous with my lifestyle and ideology.

     So why must I be forced to compromise one of my very important freedoms in order to protect others that I hold equally dear? I'm speaking of course about voting for liberal Democrats because they promote my interests in many other areas like economic and social programs and on issues like abortion and the environment. By supporting Democrats, I'm faced with voting against one very important issue or voting against several. In that sense, I suppose it seems like a small price to pay, but I don't understand why people see the issue itself as so black and white, and why liberals must make the gun-ownership issue one of their major targets.

     The issue itself is a hotbed of debate that has raged for time immemorial. The objections of the anti-gun sector revolve around cutting down on crime, through the banning of certain types of guns and the strengthening of laws to decrease criminals' access to guns. Their pro-gun opposition argues that responsibility is the key, not banning, and that banning will not decrease crime. Both sides produce statistics supporting their own view, and they debate on and on about which side uses the right numbers.

     The arguments boil down to two good reasons to address gun control: preventing accidental deaths/injuries, mainly of children, and preventing criminal ownership. But child safety is the responsibility of the parent, full stop. Parents should educate their children in gun safety and responsible handling, and parents proved to be negligent of their guns and their children's well being should be prosecuted. So ultimately, the only solid argument for gun control is the issue of criminals with guns. This factor needs to be addressed above all else, through tightening gun-sale requirements and enforcing gun crime laws. This is where government and activist groups need to focus their efforts, not in taking guns out of the hands of responsible citizens. It's an old cliché, but it makes sense even despite the confusing statistics that anti-gun camps throw out to counter the logic: if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns.

     So what's the point? I haven't come here to argue the merits of gun control--believe me, I'm a definite advocate for stricter regulation. But "regulation" does not mean "banning," and that's the idea that I wish liberals would champion. I am a law-abiding citizen, and I should have the right to purchase any kind of firearm I feel necessary, provided I submit to controls like background checks and gun registration. This is an issue where compromise can be reached, one simultaneously of freedom of choice and containment of violence. And once this middle ground is established, I can finally vote liberal Democrat without a bad taste in my mouth.


Kerrie M said...

In light of our recent elections and our President elect's view on gun control - I completely agree with you!

I do not believe we should be forced to compromise one of our constitutional rights just to get another! I believe that as long as we follow the guidelines set for owning a firearm, and take the time to educate our children and ourselves in the use and safety then we have every right to own it.

I am a parent and I take full responsibility in the education of safety with my boys (and I am the mom!). I completely believe that with common sense and education gun ownership is my right, but it is also a responsibility I don't take lightly.

I also believe that if someone doesn't like guns, or believe that we shouldn't have them, then don't own one. I know that if I was put in a situation of self defense I would not have any problem protecting me or my children with a gun.

I also know that the criminals will get whatever guns they want and will use them. Our law enforcement should be one step ahead, not behind...but that's another blog!

Liberal Scientist v. Government said...

I don’t know why other liberals hate guns. I do know why I will never own, touch, or keep one under my roof. A gun is a tool engineered to stop life. That is its entire purpose. Can I kill someone with a butter knife? Yes. All I need is the will and perhaps some knowledge of human anatomy. Were butter knifes created to kill enemies or hunt game? No. This is the central difference about guns in my mind.
Many studies have shown, time and again, that a gun in a civilian residence is more likely to shoot someone in that household inadvertently than it is likely to halt an unlawful intruder. I agree with you that child safety is the responsibility of the parent. However, there are many irresponsible parents in America today. I need only look at how many children on an elementary school playground are obese to reinforce this fact. Responsible parenting is a hot-button issue in this country. It is, frankly, pointless to tell poor, uneducated parents to “Be Responsible!” Either they grew up with this example and it is important to them, they intentionally endeavor to be responsible parents, or they couldn’t care less and want to do what’s easiest.
Where I grew up in the midwest (Indiana), the only people I knew who owned guns were police officers and farmers. It was shocking to find out that regular, ole Texans can take a one-day class and be licensed to carry a concealed weapon. I don’t know what possible good can come of this compared to everything that can go wrong. Just last week didn’t some famous football player shoot themself in the leg at a nightclub because their gun was tucked into the waistband of their sweatpants?? Of course, holstering your loaded gun in your sweatpants is stupid. That’s my point. PEOPLE ARE STUPID. When stupid people are allowed to own guns, they endanger everyone around them.
I prefer that the only people allowed to own guns are trained police officers, federal agents, professional hunters, and the military. Prescription drugs can harm or help people. That is why only people with significant schooling and training are given prescriptive authority. Guns can kill or protect. This power warrants more responsibility than being able to come up with the cash and attending a one-day gun safety course.

Nancy said...

Gun Regulation Splits Party Lines and the Court

When the first settlers arrived on American soil they faced a land rich with bounty and rife with unknown dangers. In order to forge ahead to pioneer this lush land, they found their trusty “weapons” were, at times, their most valued possessions. As time has evolved in America, the citizens have found that living in civilized communities, which honor the rule of law, has over-ridden the need to hang a rifle at the door for protection. However, many still enjoy the occasion to shoot for sport and for food.

In society today, we tend to recognize the gun-lovers and the gun-haters by political party reference: Republicans and Democrats, respectively. It is rare, but not impossible, to find a “gun-toting Liberal” in America today. An article published on the blog Our Free* Country, written by Samara Mendez, a self-professed “vegetarian hippie socialist who would like to own guns,” poses two very important questions. The first: “Why do so many liberals hate guns?” And, second: “Why are liberal gun owners so dismally represented in today’s politics?”

She points out that although she is a part of a “growing minority” as a Liberal who appreciates the right to own her own guns there are good reasons to regulate gun ownership, not ban it completely as most Liberals prefer. She values the collective voice of the Liberal Democrats on social and economic issues, but she feels that “taking guns out of the hands of responsible citizens” is the wrong message to advocate. If she chooses to take a stand for the Second Amendment and uphold her right to bear arms, Ms. Mendez feels she must sacrifice her political allegiance in part to the Democratic ticket; therefore she stops short of taking action to become a leading force in this cause for regulation over banning.

Although I lean more to the Conservative political view, I am not a gun owner. I have long held the belief that we should take the guns off the streets and out of the hands of criminals. I believe citizens should have the right to own weapons for protection and for sporting, so I uphold the view of Ms. Mendez that gun regulation is necessary.

In March 2008, Gallup published a poll which shows “73% of Americans believe the Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees the rights of Americans to own guns.” In the Supreme Court ruling in June 2008, the court ruled in a 5-4 decision that the 2nd Amendment does give Americans the right to possess firearms as an “individual right.” The court ruled that the strict gun control in Washington, D. C., violated the Second Amendment.

Based on this ruling, I believe that Ms. Mendez is in good company with her beliefs. I recommend that she join forces with The Liberal Gun Club (http://www.theliberalgunclub.com), an organization that shares her ideals about owning guns as liberals who would like to see gun regulation laws. The website invites good authors to submit articles for their review. I for one will be checking back on a regular basis to see if Ms. Mendez has found a platform for her voice!
I hope that she (as well as all citizens) will find the courage to vote her conscience and stand for what she believes, regardless what party title is listed above the cause. Stand left of center when you believe it is the correct thing to do, but never fear venturing to the right if it serves your cause: That is the right that your Constitution grants you.